Ever since I was a little girl,
My Momma told me always there'd be boys like you.
So when I'm with you I have fun.
Yeh when I'm with you I have fun.
A good friend sat across from me the other day, seeing the disheartened and slightly reminiscent look on her face as she drank her tea... I told her that this little bit of upset she was going through is just when the sat nav goes wrong on your way to following fate to a perfect little destination of happiness that waits at the end. Her response was. "You have cheered me up you crazy little f**k. Sat Nav to happiness? Idiot". As explained before, my mind is elsewhere most of the time yes, but come on... how nice would that be? Little sat nav, with maybe Paul McCartney as the voice over. Giving you little updates as to how long it is til you find love? I would love it, screw you she who shall not be named in the post!
The lyrics above are from a song called "When I'm with You" by Best Coast. Two lovely and by the looks of it very musically educated of the romantic sort of music gave me a nice little list of bands and songs I needed to listen to. Best Coast were one of them, and I am loving not only their album "Crazy for You" but just their relaxed Surf Rock sound that make them such an easy and enjoyable listen. The singer/songwriter Bethany Cosentino is first of all beautiful, had to be said. But a very talented young lady and musicians Bobb Bruno and Ali Koehle bring this American Surf Pop/Indie Rock band to the forefront of my iPod and to the top of my scribbled list of "Albums to Buy". Which really should be transferred from a scratty bus ticket to a notepad, or a book, or a binder....coloured coded and labelled! Ooo I do love a bit of stationary madness!
I lost my job, I miss my Mom, I wish my cat could talk
Every time you leave this house, everything falls apart.
If you're a girl and feeling completely wiped out over an Ex this is a perfect little song for you, the lyrics and the constant quite monotone beat should have been played all those times I climbed into bed at 3 in the afternoon in a self pitying and lost mood. And the words at the end of the song that repeat, "Goodbyes are Goodbyes" are a perfect way to end a very honest song.
"When I'm with you"
Love it, lyrics ring true in my ears. Just the right level of upbeat without losing the fuzzy lo-fi tone.
I wish he was my boyfriend
I'd love him to the very end
But instead he is just my friend
I wonder if he knows I want him
"When the Sun Don't Shine"
"Crazy For You"
And even though you are my guy, I always freak when I get high
I'm always crazy when I miss you, I'm always lazy when I miss you.
Again the lyrics are brilliant and I could listen to this song over and over for days.
I won't go on, great album, great band. Possible new favourite that I wish I had come across a long time ago!
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